
Welcome to the realm of pregnancy support.

My goal? To enable you to feel prepared, informed, and yes, even excited, about giving birth, as well as parenting your new born baby (or babies!). No, I don't have a magic wand (though that would be cool), but what I do have are some fantastic services tailored to your unique requirements and the ability to support you to step into your own power on this life changing journey.

If you are from a marginalised group or you are facing financial hardship and would like to discuss reduced rates, or need a payment plan please contact me by email, message or give me a phone call.

  • Free Discovery Call - 30mins

    Are you interested in hiring me as your pregnancy, birth or postnatal doula or antenatal educator?

    Perhaps you wish to check a specific matter about a service I offer before you book?

    This complimentary service is for you. If you have a partner, relative or friend that is closely involved in your perinatal journey please feel free to invite them to attend too.

    This is a great opportunity to discover whether we're a good match and if I am the doula for you.

    This is not a baby carrying or information consultation service.

  • Antenatal Power Hour £50

    In-person, over the phone or a video call.

    Having a wobble about your birth plan?

    Need a refresher of hypnobirthing skills?

    Not sure what your human rights or options are with your pregnancy or birth?

    Want time and space to explore your feelings about an aspect of your maternity care?

    Considering a freebirth? Considering whether a c-section, belly birth is for you? I could go on... and on.

    If you have a niggling question this might be just what you need.

    This is one hour only. Sometimes it works very well to chat for 45 minutes and then have a follow up email, entirely up to you. £50 (plus travel expenses these are charged as a round trip from my home PO4 to your location)

  • Birth Planning Support Package 5hrs £200

    Birth Planning Support Package up to 5 hrs - generally 1.5/2 hrs x 2 in person or by video call and messaging/emailing.

    Supporting you to build your own birth plans unique to you.

    This service seeks to increase your chances of having a positive experience of birth and the immediate postpartum; whatever pathway birth takes you down from a homebirth or freebirth to an elective or emergency C-section.

    -Extensive resources and examples provided.

    -Emotional & practical support for exploring your options.

    -Signposting & resolution specific to you.

    -Support with producing a clear, concise written birth plan for any health care professionals of birth support team members.

    £200 (plus travel expenses these are charged as a round trip from my home PO4 to your location )

    Book your initial session - up to 2 hours. We will then arrange the subsequent session and any ongoing support up to five hours in total (the hours include remote support e.g. messages and emails).

  • Lactation Preparation Support - 5hrs £200

    In-person or on zoom. Infant Feeding Package up to 5 hrs - generally 1.5/2 hrs x 2 in person or over zoom and messaging/emailing remote support

    Supporting you to become better informed and ready to feed your new-born baby, or babies.

    This service ensures you have the time, space and resources to know your options and make the best plans to support your wishes. The package is uniquely tailored to your needs, these can include but are not restricted to: - Working with you and any birth partner and/or family & friends to fully prepare a plan to support your feeding goals. - How birth experiences can impact the newborn and parent.

    - Reflecting on any previous feeding experiences.

    - Exploring the benefits and physiology of human milk and lactating for the biological mother and baby.

    - Investigating any special circumstances and signposting to educational & support resources.

    - Looking at what support is available, locally in-person and online.

    - Planning how you will be supported to achieve your feeding goals with your baby/babies.

    £200 (plus travel expenses these are charged at 55p/mile as a round trip from my home PO4 to your location )

    Book your initial session - up to 2 hours. We will then arrange the subsequent session and any ongoing support up to five hours in total (the hours include remote support e.g. messages and emails).

  • Hypnobirthing & Postnatal Planning 10hrs £400

    Get informed, confident and become positive. All in the comfort of your own home.

    Book your initial session - up to 2 hours. We will then arrange the subsequent sessions around what works for you.

    The package is 10 hours, generally split into 5 sessions.

    This is a course tailored to your unique needs. Let me guide you through all the elements of labour and birth, supporting you to make your best plans for birth and the postpartum.

    You will:

    - Learn how birth works - Understand birth as a bodily function

    - Gain a positive mindset, during pregnancy and afterwards

    - Be able to see birth, whatever kind of birth it is be it, as a positive event

    - Discover decision making tools

    - know your rights in pregnancy & birth

    - Develop hypnobirthing practices - relaxation, breathing techniques, visualisations & affirmations - these can be useful beyond birth and in life generally!

    - Get an awesome goodie bag and fabulous resources.

    - Be able to draw on my experience in the birth space and postnatal period. You can ask any questions you have and benefit from my experience as a doula, lactation/breastfeeding supporter & baby carrying consultant.

    - Be able to download and use the digital pack, hypnobirthing course and extra courses on pregnancy yoga, feeding and slings from The Birth Uprising!

    - Have your eyes opened to the services available to you from local pregnancy yoga to national birth specialised charities -I also invite you to join a supportive community made up of many of my clients, as well as to broader community peer-to-peer support online and in-person.

    £400 (plus travel expenses if you live further than 15 mins from PO4, these are charged at 55p/mile as a round trip from my home PO4 to your location).

  • Small Group Birth & Postnatal Course

    Please message me to register your interest in this service.

    In person, small group classes for the birthing person and any birth partner - a maximum of four pairs and a minimum of two.

    This five week course runs in the homely, relaxed setting of my house in Southsea, Portsmouth UK.

    You will:

    - Learn how birth works

    - Understand birth as a bodily function

    - Gain a positive mindset, during pregnancy and afterwards

    - Be able to see birth, whatever kind of birth it is be it, as a positive event

    - Discover decision making tools - know your rights in pregnancy & birth

    - Develop hypnobirthing practices

    - relaxation, breathing techniques, visualisations & affirmations - these can be useful beyond birth and in life generally!

    - Get an awesome goodie bag and fabulous resources.

    - Be able to draw on my experience in the birth space and postnatal period. You can ask any questions you have and benefit from my experience as a doula, lactation/breastfeeding supporter & baby carrying consultant.

    - Be able to download and use the digital pack, hypnobirthing course and extra courses on pregnancy yoga, feeding and slings from The Birth Uprising!

    - Have your eyes opened to the services available to you from local pregnancy yoga to national birth specialised charities

    - Meet other people at a similar life stage to you in the class. I also invite you to join a supportive community made up of many of my clients, as well as to broader community peer-to-peer support online and in-person.

    - Some weeks you might get lucky and have some homemade cake too ;-)

  • Full Doula Support Package

    The sooner you book a full support doula package the more you support you receive. There are more details of this service in the birth section of the website. If you’re interested doula support, why not book a call with Sophy today?